Skills Package Bundle for Moodle
Table of Contents
Harness the power of competencies, badges, and skills management for your students, with our easy-to-use awarding, mentoring, reporting, and monitoring features.

Badge Awarder
View your course’s complete “Badges awarded to students” status, and have a one-click process to easily award more badges to your students!

Badge CSV Awarder
Award multiple course badges to your students, using a CSV file upload, saving you time and effort. This also has an optional feature to create users.

Competency Report
View your course’s complete “Competencies awarded to students” status, with the number of students awarded each competency! A site-side view is also available to admins.

Compass Statistics
Report on final-stage grades from competency self-assessment, using our course-wide report to track compass progression across all participating students.

Compass Plus assignment submission
Enable students to self-assess and improve their skills, especially non-academic ones such as life skills, and to receive back supportive feedback and guidance, but via assignments!

Compass Plus
Enable students to self-assess and improve their skills, especially non-academic ones such as life skills, and to receive back supportive feedback and guidance.

Compass (Competency assessment)
Manage and report on competency self-assessment with mentoring, across multiple stages.
Add competencies either via CSV upload or existing Moodle competency frameworks.

Competency Awarder
View your course’s complete “Competencies awarded to students” status, and have a one-click process to easily award more competencies to your students!