Brickfield Education Labs


The Marking guide grading report plugin allows teachers and managers to view, for a specific course activity, all the students’ grades and comments for all the criteria from the relevant marking guide used for advanced grading of that activity. This supports standardised grading by providing an overview of all grades and students in one report.


When an assignment or forum is graded using a marking guide, there is lots of useful information recorded per student, for all of the criteria used for grading. This information is useful for knowing what areas the student, or students have done well in, for instance, or where their performances may need improvement. Criterion grades may also include specific comments, which can also be very helpful for tracking and supporting learning progression.


Instead of only seeing this granular advanced grading information inside each student’s grading page for the activity using Moodle’s core UI, you can now view and download this information for all your students in one go.


This marking guide grading report is also conveniently located with the other standard course grade reports.

The Marking Guide grade report with a select activity dropdown, Data to include filters, Marking Guide table and the two links to download the table as csv and excel. The activity selection is: Requirements for an accessible image on moodle. The table displays a row for each user and three columns: Student, Assignment 1 (Max grade: 100), and Grade.


This section is for the administration of the Marking guide report plugin.

Version Support

This plugin is supported for Moodle versions 3.9, 3.11, 4.00, 4.01, 4.02, and 4.03.


To install the Marking guide report (gradereport_markingguide):

  1. Unzip and copy the markingguide folder into Moodle’s grade/report/ folder.
  2. Go to Site administration > Notifications to install the grade report.


Further installation instructions can be found on the Installing plugins Moodle documentation page.


Capability name Manager Teacher Non editing teacher Student
gradereport/markingguide:view: Can view the Marking guide report Allow Allow Allow Prevent

View capability

The single capability “markingguide:view” allows users with the relevant permissions for that context to view and download the marking guide grading report page.


This capability is granted by default to these following archetype roles, using course context:

  • Teacher
  • Editing teacher
  • Manager

Copyright and funding

This plugin has been developed, maintained, and is copyrighted by Brickfield Education Labs, while initial funding for this plugin was provided by the National Institute for Digital Learning at Dublin City University.