Brickfield Education Labs


This election activity implements a PR election system for one or more winners. The students’ votes are secure, anonymous and traceable. The election results are immediately available once the election is closed.


This completely replaces the traditional ballot paper versions of any Students’ Union yearly elections for officers, resulting in savings on carbon, ink, paper, ballot box supervision, and ballot counting. Additionally, this also results in higher student participation as they can easily access their voting options from anywhere.


An election can be configured with:

  • Candidate names.
    • Can also be configured to retrieve successful candidates from a specific nomination process instead.
  • Number of winning positions.
  • Opening and closing dates and times, for the active voting period.
The Voting list with the candidates listed with a preference dropdown for each one. Four candidates are listed: Dervla Callagha (2),Denisa Hopkins (1), Orna Kavanagh (4), and Andriana Waldo (3). Below the preference dropdowns are the two buttons “Next” and “Cancel”.


This section is for the administration of the Election module.

Version Support

This plugin is supported for Moodle versions 3.9, 3.11, 4.00, 4.01, 4.02, and 4.03.


To install the Election module (mod_election):

  1. Unzip and copy the election folder into Moodle’s mod/ folder.
  2. Go to Site administration > Notifications to install the module.


Further installation instructions can be found on the Installing plugins Moodle documentation page.


Capability nameManagerTeacherNon editing teacherStudent
mod/election:addinstance: Add a new electionAllowAllow  
mod/election:viewprogress: View election progressAllowAllowAllow 
mod/election:viewresults: View election resultsAllowAllowAllowAllow
mod/election:vote: Vote in a electionPreventPreventPreventAllow

Addinstance capability

The capability “mod/election:addinstance” allows users with the relevant permissions for that context to add an election activity.


This capability is granted by default to these following archetype roles, using course context:

  • Manager
  • Teacher

Viewprogress capability

The capability “mod/election:viewprogress” allows users with the relevant permissions for that context to view an election’s progress.


This capability is granted by default to these following archetype roles, using course context:

  • Manager
  • Teacher
  • Non-editing teacher

Viewresults capability

The capability “mod/election:viewresults” allows users with the relevant permissions for that context to view an election’s results.


This capability is granted by default to these following archetype roles, using course context:

  • Manager
  • Teacher
  • Non-editing teacher
  • Student

Vote capability

The capability “mod/election:vote” allows users with the relevant permissions for that context to vote in an election activity.


This capability is granted by default to these following archetype roles, using course context:

  • Student

Copyright and funding

This plugin has been developed, maintained, and is copyrighted by Brickfield Education Labs. Initial funding for this plugin was provided by DCU Students’ Union.