Brickfield Education Labs

Run Nominations

Run nominations in which all students can participate, whether in-campus or remote!


The students’ nominations are secure, anonymous and traceable. Nomination results are immediately available once the nomination is closed. These results can also be supplied to an election activity.


Also reduce carbon emissions with no paper, no ink, and less man-hours in the running and counting of the nomination results.

The Student Union Academic Officer Nomination information page with the Nomination Schedule, Nominees, and the Add Nominee button. The Nomination Schedule is displaying: Current Time (6/03/25, 13:49), Withdraw End Date (6/03/24, 13:50), Self Nomination Period (Start: 6/03/24, 13:45. Stop: 6/03/24, 13:50), Nomination Period (Start: 6/03/24, 13:45. Stop: 6/03/24, 14:50). The Nominees are Jason Butler, Mary Doe, and David Hill. Each with an edit link.

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