Brickfield Education Labs

Enable Mass Surveying Management with Questionnaire

Save time and effort centrally viewing and managing multiple anonymous surveys for your students to respond to, across any number of courses.


This provides a Moodle solution to an Irish national requirement, to obtain student feedback on all their third-level courses, in order to improve quality and accountability.


Using a master questionnaire, easily deploy associated duplicates to any configured target courses, with either manual or timed actions for questionnaire generation, showing, and hiding once done.​


Site-level reporting combines all questionnaire results together. Teacher and manager options also exist for per course anonymous response viewing.

The Questionnaire Manager block, with three headings and thirteen links. The first heading Selected Questionnaire has the link: Master questionnaire. The second heading Admin options has the links: Upload CSV, View current CSV data’, Configure Questionnaire Manager, Show Questionnaires, Hide Questionnaires, Allow child changes, Prevent child changes, Questionnaire Scheduling Logs, Duplicate Questionnaire, Delete Child Questionnaires, Copy this block, and Remove Child blocks. The third heading Master Questionnaire Reports has the link: Child Questionnaire Statistics.

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