Brickfield Education Labs


This involves collaborating on the Board with your peers and teacher in sharing ideas through posts. You can like posts if it has been enabled and also comment on all of the Boards posts.

The Board

To access the Board:

  1. Go to a Course.
  2. Click a Board activity.


To access a column:

  1. Go to a course.
  2. Click a Board activity.
  3. Go to a column in the Board.


A column displays:

  • Sort column icon.
  • Posts.
  • Add new post to column button.

Adding a new post

To add a new post to a column:

  1. Click the Add new post to column button.
  2. Add a Post title.
  3. Add Content.
  4. Select a Media type.
    1. Link
    2. Image
    3. Youtube
  5. Add the relevant details for the selected Media.
  6. Click the Post button.

Sorting a columns posts

The posts of a column cannot be sorted unless enabled by your teacher.

To sort column posts: Click the arrow icon to the left of the column heading.


To access a post:

  1. Go to a course.
  2. Click the Board activity.
  3. Go to a column.
  4. Go to a post.


A post displays:

  • Post title.
  • Content.
  • Media.
  • Like button and number of likes.
  • Delete button.
  • Move button.
  • Edit button.

Editing a post

To edit a post: 

  1. Click the Pencil button.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Click the Post button.

Liking a post

You will be unable to like posts, including posts that you have created unless it has been enabled by your teacher. You will only be able to like a post once and the number of times a post has been liked is visible beside the star icon.


To like a post: 

  1. Click the star button.
  2. Click the Ok button in the popup.

Moving a post

You will be unable to move your posts unless it has been enabled by your teacher. If enabled, you can move any post you have created from one column to another. 

To move a post: Click and hold on the four pronged button, then drag and drop.

Deleting a post

To delete a post: 

  1. Click the x button.
  2. Click the Delete button in the popup.


To access a posts comments:

  1. Go to a course.
  2. Click the Board activity.
  3. Go to a column.
  4. Click a post.


The “Comments” modal displays:

  • Post title.
  • Content.
  • Media.
  • Comment section.

Adding a comment

To add a comment:

  1. Type the comment into the text area.
  2. Click the Add comment button.

Deleting a comment

To delete a comment:

  1. Locate your comment in the comment section.
  2. Click the bin icon.

Viewing another student’s Board

Single user mode by default is disabled but can be enabled by your Teacher. When Single user mode (private) is enabled, you will not be able to view your peers’ Board. All posts created will be private between you and your Teacher.


When Single user mode (public) is enabled, you will be able to view your peers’ Board, to rate or comment on posts. This will remove the anonymity of a Board as the username will need to be selected for a Board to be viewed. All posts created will be visible among your peers.


To view an individual users board: Select a username in the dropdown menu.